UFOs, ETs, alien abductions… It’s surprising how many people want to know, not only about modern stories of extraterrestrials, but about the possibility of long-lost encounters with “ancient aliens.” Many people today are equally curious about whether the Book of Books – the Bible – relates the same kind of phenomena that in the modern world are the domain of ufologists. How many ancient Israelites experienced such “interdimensional” encounters? Just as I began to look into all of this, I was approached by the History Channel, which contacted me independently and asked if I’d be interested in doing an interview for their series “Ancient Aliens.”
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Why is a Judaica scholar staring intently at the New Testament book of Revelation? Because even though it's come down to us in Greek, it is at its heart a Jewish book. Its tone and content is of course far afield from Judaism today, but what we're talking about is ancient Judaism – a very different animal.
I often wonder why so many people are interested, indeed fascinated by this book. And my best explanation is that it does for us basically what a roller coaster ride, or the Tower of Terror, does. It scares us to death! And let's face it; for some unknown reason people like to be scared. It gives us a delicious, narcotic-like adrenaline rush.